Pre & Post Natal Care

Integrative Prenatal Massage

Integrative prenatal massage is one of the most nurturing and beneficial experiences for expectant mothers.

Pregnancy is an incredible and transformative time in a woman's life, which at times also comes with its share of physical and emotional challenges. Through the gentle power of touch, we offer a holistic approach that honors the mind, body, and spirit during this sacred time. The integrative prenatal massage aims to address these challenges by providing a safe and soothing environment where mothers can find relief, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

Integrative prenatal massage combines traditional massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, Arvigo maya massage, visualization and breathwork to provide care to the specific needs and preferences of pregnant women in every trimester.

To facilitate a comfortable and safe experience, we employ bolstering techniques and specially designed pillows to support the body in various positions, allowing mama on her side, back, or in a semi-reclined position. This ensures optimal comfort and relaxation while minimizing any strain on the body.

Every pregnancy is unique, and each treatment is adapted to accommodate any specific concerns or conditions the mother may have. Beyond the physical benefits, our integrative prenatal massage also provides a space for emotional and spiritual healing. The power of touch and intention, combined with a tranquil environment, can help reduce stress, anxiety, and hormonal fluctuations, promoting a sense of calm and inner well-being. In addition to providing physical support to the mother, this is an opportunity for spiritual connection and fostering a deeper bond with the innate wisdom of your body and your growing baby.

Whether you are seeking solace, relief from physical discomfort, a deeper connection with your body and the transition to motherhood (even if is not your first pregnancy) or a serene connection with your baby, you’re offered a tranquil haven where you can embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and nurturing.

C-Section Massage

After a C-section, it is important to honor your body's healing process. Typically this massage can be offered between 4 and 6 weeks post partum and is an important practice in aftercare. The incision and manipulation of abdominal muscles during a c-section can cause adhesions - bands of scar tissue. These adhesions can lead to uncomfortable symptoms such as pain, limited mobility, and compromised organ function. This treatment incorporates Maya abdominal and womb massage to support breaking down these adhesions, promoting optimal organ positioning and enhancing blood flow to the area.

The gentle manipulations involved in the massage can also aid in reducing inflammation, relieving post-surgery discomfort, and facilitating the natural healing process. It supports to restore the balance of the uterus, leading to a healthier reproductive system and potentially assisting in future pregnancies.

We use a combination of abdominal massage, gentle movements, and external manipulations to promote circulation, relieve tension, and encourage lymphatic drainage. This approach assists in bringing vital nutrients and oxygen to the area, as well as removing waste and toxins.

As you navigate the transition into motherhood, this therapy can help release stored emotions and balance your energy centers, promoting a sense of grounding, calmness, and overall wellbeing.

Fertility massage

Enhancing the Journey towards Parenthood through Nurturing Touch
The journey towards becoming a mother and or continuing the journey of motherhood can be filled with both anticipation and challenges. We are committed to supporting individuals and couples on this path, and one of the powerful tools we offer is fertility massage.

Fertility massage is a holistic and non-invasive approach designed to support and enhance reproductive health. It is a gentle and nurturing therapy that incorporates Maya abdominal and womb massage, energy work, to promote fertility and overall well-being. Your treatments may include the application of castor oil packs, vaginal steaming and herbal recommendations

Fertility massage focuses on releasing tension, increasing blood flow, and harmonizing the reproductive organs.

Benefits of Fertility Massage

  • Promotes hormonal balance: Fertility massage helps regulate the endocrine system, supporting hormonal balance necessary for healthy reproductive functioning.

  • Enhances blood circulation: By increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs, fertility massage nourishes the tissues and encourages optimal functioning.

  • Releases tension and blockages: Gentle abdominal massage techniques are used to release tension and clear any blockages in the pelvic region, allowing for improved energy flow.

  • Reduces stress and anxiety: Fertility massage provides a nurturing space to release emotional and mental stress, promoting relaxation and overall well-being.

  • Supports emotional well-being: The holistic approach of fertility massage acknowledges the emotional aspect of the fertility journey, providing a safe space for emotional release and healing.

  • *Complements medical treatments: Fertility massage is a valuable complement to medical interventions such as IVF, IUI, or traditional fertility treatments, enhancing their effectiveness.

Your Journey to Parenthood Begins Here
At Rising Earth Healing Arts, we believe that every individual and couple deserves compassionate support on their journey towards parenthood. Our experienced fertility massage therapists are dedicated to creating a safe and nurturing environment that honors your unique needs and aspirations.
Whether you are starting your fertility journey, undergoing medical treatments, or seeking alternative methods to enhance reproductive health, we are here to guide and support you. Allow our fertility massage sessions to restore balance, alleviate stress, and cultivate a positive mindset, preparing your body and spirit for the miracle of conception.
Contact Rising Earth Healing Arts today and take the first step towards embracing the fulfilling and joyous experience of parenthood.